dely Tech Blog


Vue 2で書かれた個人プロジェクトをVue 3に書き換えてみた




今回は、とあるプロジェクトをVue 2からVue 3に書き換えてみたので、その過程と所感についてまとめたいと思います。

この記事はdely #1 Advent Calendar 2020 14日目の記事です。


さて、今回題材に選んだプロジェクトは小規模なVue 2で書かれたアプリケーションですが、そのスタック構成はかなりクラシルWebに近いものとなっており、今後クラシルWebへの導入を検討する上での良い足がかりにできればと考えております。


Vue 3について知る

なにはともあれ、書き換えるにあたりまずはVue 3のキャッチアップから始めなければなりません。

Vue 3の目玉。Composition APIとは

Vue 3で導入された新しいコンポーネント実装のためのAPIです。

Composition APIで何が変わる?


たとえばコンポーネントのローカルステートを定義する時、Vue 2(Options API)ではdataを使いました。

// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({ // Vue.extendは廃止されたためdefineComponentを使用します
  data() {
    return {
      count: 0
  methods: {
    increment() {
      this.count += 1;
    decrement() {
      this.count -= 1;


  <span v-text="count" /> <!-- Vue 3ではFragmentがサポートされルート要素が単一の要素である必要がなくなりました -->
  <button @click="increment">+</button>
  <button @click="decrement">-</button>



Vue 3(Composition API)ではref関数を使います。

// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent, ref } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const increment = () => (count.value += 1); // thisが消えた
    const decrement = () => (count.value -= 1); // thisが消えた

    return {




そして、increment, decrementからthisが消えています。

// useCount.ts
import { ref } from "vue";

export const useCount = () => {
  const count = ref(0);
  const increment = () => (count.value += 1);
  const decrement = () => (count.value -= 1);

  return {

// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { useCount } from "../hooks/useCount";

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    return {


Options API(従来のコンポーネント定義)の課題

ViewModelを起点にした記述では、data, computed, methodsなどの制約により、関心事の異なるロジック同士が一箇所に束ねられ、逆に関心事を同じくするコードが分散してしまうという問題がありました。



  1. 数をカウントしたい
  2. 表示を切り替えたい


// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
  data() {
    return {
      count: 0, // a. 数をカウントしたい
      display: true // b. 表示を切り替えたい
  computed: {
    toggleDisplayText(): string { // b. 表示を切り替えたい
      return this.display ? "hide" : "show";
  methods: {
    increment() { // a. 数をカウントしたい
      this.count += 1;
    decrement() { // a. 数をカウントしたい
      this.count -= 1;
    toggleDisplay() { // b. 表示を切り替えたい
      this.display = !this.display;



  <template v-if="display">
    <span v-text="count" />
    <button @click="increment">+</button>
    <button @click="decrement">-</button>
  <button @click="toggleDisplay" v-text="toggleDisplayText" />





次にこれをComposition APIに置き換えてみます。

Composition APIによる関心事の分離

Composition APIではロジックの記述がViewModelに依存しなくなり、data, computed, methodsなどの制約から開放されます。


  1. 数をカウントしたい
  2. 表示を切り替えたい


// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0); // a. 数をカウントしたい
    const increment = () => (count.value += 1); // a. 数をカウントしたい
    const decrement = () => (count.value -= 1); // a. 数をカウントしたい

    const display = ref(true); // b. 表示を切り替えたい
    const toggleDisplay = () => (display.value = !display.value); // b. 表示を切り替えたい
    const toggleDisplayText = computed(() => (display.value ? "hide" : "show")); // b. 表示を切り替えたい

    return {
      count, // a. 数をカウントしたい
      increment, // a. 数をカウントしたい
      decrement, // a. 数をカウントしたい
      display, // b. 表示を切り替えたい
      toggleDisplay, // b. 表示を切り替えたい
      toggleDisplayText // b. 表示を切り替えたい



// useCount.ts
// a. 数をカウントしたい
import { ref } from "vue";

export const useCount = () => {
  const count = ref(0);
  const increment = () => (count.value += 1);
  const decrement = () => (count.value -= 1);

  return {

// useToggleDisplay.ts
// b. 表示を切り替えたい
import { computed, ref } from "vue";

export const useToggleDisplay = () => {
  const display = ref(true);
  const toggleDisplay = () => (display.value = !display.value);
  const toggleDisplayText = computed(() => (display.value ? "hide" : "show"));

  return {

// DisplayCount.vue
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { useCount } from "../hooks/useCount"; // a. 数をカウントしたい
import { useToggleDisplay } from "../hooks/useToggleDisplay"; // b. 表示を切り替えたい

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    return {
      ...useCount(), // a. 数をカウントしたい
      ...useToggleDisplay() // b. 表示を切り替えたい



Composition APIを使えば、より自然にロジックの共通化を表現できます。


Composition APIによりTypeScriptの型定義もかなり改善しました。

従来のOptions APIの型定義は、thisdata, computed, methodsなどの定義を生やすためのコードがとても複雑で、型定義を見に行っては迷子になることもしょっちゅうでした。



Vue 2, Vuex, TypeScriptを使用しており、コンポーネントの数もルートコンポーネントを入れて8つ、Vuex moduleの数も3つと検証にはもってこいの大きさです。

クラス記法コンポーネント、vue-property-decoratorvuex-smart-moduleを使用しており、現時点ではVue 3未対応なライブラリなため、今回の検証ではいったん外しつつなるべくVueの素のAPIを使う方針でいきます。



  • node 👉 15.3.0にアップデート
  • yarn 👉 1.22.10にアップデート

ビルド設定をVue CLIで一気に最新に書き換える

rxjs-stream-editorはVue CLIを使用したプロジェクトなので、今回もVue CLIを使用してアップデートします。
vue upgradeというコマンドも用意されていますが、規模も小さいので今回はvue createで上書く方法でやってみました🙌

# プロジェクトのひとつ上のディレクトリに移動
cd ..

# 同名のディレクトリを指定して上書き
# オプションでGitコミット無し、既存ファイルとマージするように指定
vue create -n --merge rxjs-stream-editor


  • スタックをマニュアルで選択
  • TS, Vuex, Stylus, ESLint, Prettierを使用
  • Vue 3を使用
  • クラス記法のコンポーネント定義ではなく素のAPIを使用
  • TypeScriptと一緒にBabelを使用
  • 保存時にLintを実行
  • ESLint等のコンフィグファイルはpackage.jsonにまとめず、専用のファイルを使用
Vue CLI v4.5.9
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: Choose Vue version, Babel, TS, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter
? Choose a version of Vue.js that you want to start the project with 3.x (Preview)
? Use class-style component syntax? No
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Stylus
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Prettier
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save
? Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.? In dedicated config files
? Save this as a preset for future projects? No




ERROR in src/App.vue:21:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type 'VueClass<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof App': extend, set, delete, directive, and 6 more.
    19 | import { ColorDefinition } from './core/ColorDefinition';
    20 |
  > 21 | @Component({
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 22 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 23 |     AppHeader,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 24 |     StreamEditor,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 25 |     BottomNav,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 26 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 27 | })
       | ^^^
    28 | export default class App extends Vue.extend({
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState(['colorMatcherSourceCode']),

ERROR in src/App.vue:21:2
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof App' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
  Type 'typeof App' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
    19 | import { ColorDefinition } from './core/ColorDefinition';
    20 |
  > 21 | @Component({
       |  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 22 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 23 |     AppHeader,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 24 |     StreamEditor,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 25 |     BottomNav,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 26 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 27 | })
       | ^^^
    28 | export default class App extends Vue.extend({
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState(['colorMatcherSourceCode']),

ERROR in src/App.vue:28:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    26 |   },
    27 | })
  > 28 | export default class App extends Vue.extend({
       |                      ^^^
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState(['colorMatcherSourceCode']),
    31 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapGetters(['colorDefinitions']),

ERROR in src/components/AppHeader/AppHeader.ts:3:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type '<VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof AppHeader': extend, nextTick, set, delete, and 9 more.
    1 | import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
    2 |
  > 3 | @Component
      | ^^^^^^^^^^
    4 | export default class AppHeader extends Vue {}
    5 |

ERROR in src/components/AppHeader/AppHeader.ts:3:2
TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(options: ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>): <VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof AppHeader' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>'.
      Type 'typeof AppHeader' is not assignable to type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}>'.
        Types of property 'call' are incompatible.
          Type '<T, A extends any[]>(this: new (...args: A) => T, thisArg: T, ...args: A) => void' is not assignable to type '(this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never'.
            The 'this' types of each signature are incompatible.
              Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'new (...args: unknown[]) => unknown'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(target: VueClass<any>): VueClass<any>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof AppHeader' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
      Type 'typeof AppHeader' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
    1 | import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
    2 |
  > 3 | @Component
      |  ^^^^^^^^^
    4 | export default class AppHeader extends Vue {}
    5 |

ERROR in src/components/AppHeader/AppHeader.ts:4:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    2 |
    3 | @Component
  > 4 | export default class AppHeader extends Vue {}
      |                      ^^^^^^^^^
    5 |

ERROR in src/components/BottomNav/BottomNav.ts:9:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type 'VueClass<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof BottomNav': extend, set, delete, directive, and 6 more.
     7 | import StreamColorizer from '../StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.vue';
     8 |
  >  9 | @Component({
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 |     MessageOutput,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 12 |     StreamColorizer,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 13 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 14 | })
       | ^^^
    15 | export default class BottomNav extends Vue.extend({
    16 |   computed: {
    17 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),

ERROR in src/components/BottomNav/BottomNav.ts:9:2
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof BottomNav' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
  Type 'typeof BottomNav' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
     7 | import StreamColorizer from '../StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.vue';
     8 |
  >  9 | @Component({
       |  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 |     MessageOutput,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 12 |     StreamColorizer,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 13 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 14 | })
       | ^^^
    15 | export default class BottomNav extends Vue.extend({
    16 |   computed: {
    17 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),

ERROR in src/components/BottomNav/BottomNav.ts:15:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    13 |   },
    14 | })
  > 15 | export default class BottomNav extends Vue.extend({
       |                      ^^^^^^^^^
    16 |   computed: {
    17 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),
    18 |     ...uiBottomNavModule.mapState(['enabled']),

ERROR in src/components/MessageOutput/MessageOutput.ts:4:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type '<VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof MessageOutput': extend, nextTick, set, delete, and 9 more.
    2 | import { domainStreamEditorModule } from '../../store/modules/internal';
    3 |
  > 4 | @Component
      | ^^^^^^^^^^
    5 | export default class MessageOutput extends Vue.extend({
    6 |   computed: {
    7 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),

ERROR in src/components/MessageOutput/MessageOutput.ts:4:2
TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(options: ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>): <VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof MessageOutput' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>'.
      Type 'typeof MessageOutput' is not assignable to type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}>'.
        Types of property 'call' are incompatible.
          Type '<T, A extends any[]>(this: new (...args: A) => T, thisArg: T, ...args: A) => void' is not assignable to type '(this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(target: VueClass<any>): VueClass<any>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof MessageOutput' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
      Type 'typeof MessageOutput' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
    2 | import { domainStreamEditorModule } from '../../store/modules/internal';
    3 |
  > 4 | @Component
      |  ^^^^^^^^^
    5 | export default class MessageOutput extends Vue.extend({
    6 |   computed: {
    7 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),

ERROR in src/components/MessageOutput/MessageOutput.ts:5:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    3 |
    4 | @Component
  > 5 | export default class MessageOutput extends Vue.extend({
      |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    6 |   computed: {
    7 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapState(['errorMessage', 'message']),
    8 |   },

ERROR in src/components/StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.ts:2:10
TS2305: Module '"../../../node_modules/vue/dist/vue"' has no exported member 'VueConstructor'.
    1 | import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
  > 2 | import { VueConstructor } from 'vue';
      |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    3 | import { domainStreamColorizerModule } from '../../store/modules/internal';
    4 | import { Photoshop } from 'vue-color';
    5 | import { ColorDefinition } from '../../core/ColorDefinition';

ERROR in src/components/StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.ts:7:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type 'VueClass<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof StreamColorizer': extend, set, delete, directive, and 6 more.
     5 | import { ColorDefinition } from '../../core/ColorDefinition';
     6 |
  >  7 | @Component({
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  8 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  9 |     PhotoshopPicker: Photoshop as VueConstructor,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 | })
       | ^^^
    12 | export default class StreamColorizer extends Vue.extend({
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState([

ERROR in src/components/StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.ts:7:2
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof StreamColorizer' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
  Type 'typeof StreamColorizer' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
     5 | import { ColorDefinition } from '../../core/ColorDefinition';
     6 |
  >  7 | @Component({
       |  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  8 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  9 |     PhotoshopPicker: Photoshop as VueConstructor,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 | })
       | ^^^
    12 | export default class StreamColorizer extends Vue.extend({
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState([

ERROR in src/components/StreamColorizer/StreamColorizer.ts:12:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    10 |   },
    11 | })
  > 12 | export default class StreamColorizer extends Vue.extend({
       |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapState([
    15 |       'colorMatcherSourceCode',

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditor/StreamEditor.ts:7:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type 'VueClass<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof StreamEditor': extend, set, delete, directive, and 6 more.
     5 | import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce';
     6 |
  >  7 | @Component({
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  8 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  9 |     StreamEditorItem,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 | })
       | ^^^
    12 | export default class StreamEditor extends Vue.extend({
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapGetters(['streamDatasets', 'sourceCode']),

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditor/StreamEditor.ts:7:2
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof StreamEditor' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
  Type 'typeof StreamEditor' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
     5 | import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce';
     6 |
  >  7 | @Component({
       |  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  8 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  >  9 |     StreamEditorItem,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 10 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 11 | })
       | ^^^
    12 | export default class StreamEditor extends Vue.extend({
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapGetters(['streamDatasets', 'sourceCode']),

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditor/StreamEditor.ts:12:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    10 |   },
    11 | })
  > 12 | export default class StreamEditor extends Vue.extend({
       |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    13 |   computed: {
    14 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapGetters(['streamDatasets', 'sourceCode']),
    15 |   },

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditor/StreamEditor.ts:25:10
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    23 | }) {
    24 |   @Watch('sourceCode')
  > 25 |   public watchSourceCode() {
       |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    26 |     this.evaluateSourceCodeDebounced();
    27 |   }
    28 |

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:23:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type 'VueClass<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof StreamEditorItem': extend, set, delete, directive, and 6 more.
    21 | };
    22 |
  > 23 | @Component({
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 24 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 25 |     StreamEditorTextarea,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 26 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 27 | })
       | ^^^
    28 | export default class StreamEditorItem extends Vue.extend({
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapGetters([

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:23:2
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof StreamEditorItem' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
  Type 'typeof StreamEditorItem' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
    21 | };
    22 |
  > 23 | @Component({
       |  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 24 |   components: {
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 25 |     StreamEditorTextarea,
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 26 |   },
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  > 27 | })
       | ^^^
    28 | export default class StreamEditorItem extends Vue.extend({
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapGetters([

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:28:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    26 |   },
    27 | })
  > 28 | export default class StreamEditorItem extends Vue.extend({
       |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    29 |   computed: {
    30 |     ...domainStreamColorizerModule.mapGetters([
    31 |       'colorCodeGetter',

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:39:18
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    37 |   },
    38 | }) {
  > 39 |   @Prop() public dataset: StreamDataset | undefined;
       |                  ^^^^^^^
    40 |   @Prop({ required: true }) public index!: boolean;
    41 |   @Prop({ default: false }) public disabled!: boolean;
    42 |

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:40:36
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    38 | }) {
    39 |   @Prop() public dataset: StreamDataset | undefined;
  > 40 |   @Prop({ required: true }) public index!: boolean;
       |                                    ^^^^^
    41 |   @Prop({ default: false }) public disabled!: boolean;
    42 |
    43 |   get events() {

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorItem/StreamEditorItem.ts:41:36
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    39 |   @Prop() public dataset: StreamDataset | undefined;
    40 |   @Prop({ required: true }) public index!: boolean;
  > 41 |   @Prop({ default: false }) public disabled!: boolean;
       |                                    ^^^^^^^^
    42 |
    43 |   get events() {
    44 |     return this.dataset ? : [];

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorTextarea/StreamEditorTextarea.ts:5:1
TS1238: Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
  Type '<VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof StreamEditorTextarea': extend, nextTick, set, delete, and 9 more.
    3 | import { domainStreamEditorModule } from '../../store/modules/internal';
    4 |
  > 5 | @Component
      | ^^^^^^^^^^
    6 | export default class StreamEditorTextarea extends Vue.extend({
    7 |   methods: {
    8 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapMutations(['setSourceCode']),

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorTextarea/StreamEditorTextarea.ts:5:2
TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(options: ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>): <VC extends VueClass<any>>(target: VC) => VC', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof StreamEditorTextarea' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}> & ThisType<any> & ThisType<any>'.
      Type 'typeof StreamEditorTextarea' is not assignable to type 'ComponentOptionsBase<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, string, {}>'.
        Types of property 'call' are incompatible.
          Type '<T, A extends any[]>(this: new (...args: A) => T, thisArg: T, ...args: A) => void' is not assignable to type '(this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => never'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(target: VueClass<any>): VueClass<any>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type 'typeof StreamEditorTextarea' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<any>'.
      Type 'typeof StreamEditorTextarea' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")': useCssModule, useCssVars, createApp, createSSRApp, and 108 more.
    3 | import { domainStreamEditorModule } from '../../store/modules/internal';
    4 |
  > 5 | @Component
      |  ^^^^^^^^^
    6 | export default class StreamEditorTextarea extends Vue.extend({
    7 |   methods: {
    8 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapMutations(['setSourceCode']),

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorTextarea/StreamEditorTextarea.ts:6:22
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    4 |
    5 | @Component
  > 6 | export default class StreamEditorTextarea extends Vue.extend({
      |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    7 |   methods: {
    8 |     ...domainStreamEditorModule.mapMutations(['setSourceCode']),
    9 |   },

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorTextarea/StreamEditorTextarea.ts:11:18
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
     9 |   },
    10 | }) {
  > 11 |   @Prop() public dataset: StreamDataset | undefined;
       |                  ^^^^^^^
    12 |   @Prop({ default: false }) public disabled!: boolean;
    13 |
    14 |   get sourceCode() {

ERROR in src/components/StreamEditorTextarea/StreamEditorTextarea.ts:12:36
TS1219: Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning.
    10 | }) {
    11 |   @Prop() public dataset: StreamDataset | undefined;
  > 12 |   @Prop({ default: false }) public disabled!: boolean;
       |                                    ^^^^^^^^
    13 |
    14 |   get sourceCode() {
    15 |     return this.dataset ? this.dataset.sourceCode : '';

ERROR in src/main.ts:6:5
TS2339: Property 'use' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")'.
    4 | import VueTextareaAutosize from 'vue-textarea-autosize';
    5 |
  > 6 | Vue.use(VueTextareaAutosize);
      |     ^^^
    7 | Vue.config.productionTip = false;
    8 |
    9 | new Vue({

ERROR in src/main.ts:7:5
TS2339: Property 'config' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")'.
     5 |
     6 | Vue.use(VueTextareaAutosize);
  >  7 | Vue.config.productionTip = false;
       |     ^^^^^^
     8 |
     9 | new Vue({
    10 |   store,

ERROR in src/main.ts:9:5
TS2351: This expression is not constructable.
  Type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")' has no construct signatures.
     7 | Vue.config.productionTip = false;
     8 |
  >  9 | new Vue({
       |     ^^^
    10 |   store,
    11 |   render: h => h(App),
    12 | }).$mount('#app');

ERROR in src/main.ts:11:11
TS7006: Parameter 'h' implicitly has an 'any' type.
     9 | new Vue({
    10 |   store,
  > 11 |   render: h => h(App),
       |           ^
    12 | }).$mount('#app');
    13 |

ERROR in src/store/index.ts:6:5
TS2339: Property 'use' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/Users/okamoto.k/_ghqroot/")'.
    4 | import { rootModule } from './modules';
    5 |
  > 6 | Vue.use(Vuex);
      |     ^^^
    7 |
    8 | export default createStore(rootModule);
    9 |


Babel最新ではbabel.config.jsを使用するように変わったようなのですが、Vue CLIでディレクトリをマージした際に.babelrcが残っており、そちらの設定を見に行ってしまいエラーが出ていました。






Vue 3対応のために素のVuexに書き換えます。

この時点でcommit, dispatch, gettersに付いていたメソッドの型は、stringであればなんでも受け入れるようになってしまいます。

Composition API対応に関するIssueでは対応予定とのコメントもあり今後の動きに期待です。




  • vue-textarea-autosize
    • テキストの入力に合わせて自動的に高さを調整してくれる
    • Vue 3未対応
    • とりあえず普通のtextareaに置き換えてしのぐ
  • vue-color
    • カラーピッカー
    • Vue 3未対応
    • いったんあきらめる








可視化するRxJS Observableを生成するソースコードの初期化処理。






今回はテンプレートから参照する値を従来のOptions APIで記述しましたが、Composition APIに最適化されたヘルパーについての議論が行われていていました。


Vuex 4でTypeScriptのサポートは強化されたものの、state以外の型周りはまだサポートされていません。

こちらのIssueを見ると、本格的なTSサポートの強化はVuex 5を予定しているようです。

また、それに伴うBreaking Changeを検討している模様。

一方で、TS 4.1というゲームチェンジャーの登場によりVuex 4もサポートされる可能性が出てきたようです。

TS 4.1で導入されたTemplate Literal Typesにより文字列の柔軟な型検査が可能になり、これまで難しかったnamespaceをスラッシュで繋いだ文字列に対しての静的な型検査が実装可能になりました。




  • ローカルステートを定義しているコンポーネントが無かったため、ref, reactiveを使った複雑な実装はまだ試せていないです
  • vue-routerも使用していないためこちらもまだ未検証です
  • 引き続き検証していきたいと思います


以上Vue 3への書き換えを通しての所感をまとめてみました。
これからのVue 3を楽しんでいきましょう!





  1. toggleDisplayTextについてはUI都合な部分が大きいため、useToggleDisplayには含めずDisplayCountコンポーネント側に寄せたいところですが、今回は分かりやすさのためにこのようにしています。